What Do Male Porn stars Use To Last Longer Than Other Men In Sex?

What Do Male Porn stars Use To Last Longer Than Other Men In Sex?

Even though some men would not like to discuss it openly, they are always curious when it comes to sex. There is a big difference between men and women when it comes to their sexual activities. Women rarely admit or readily disclose how many men they have had sexual intercourse with. They even reduce the number if they have to. On the other hand, men exaggerate their sexual encounters and blow up the number of women they have been intimate with.

Men like to emulate male porn stars.

It is not a secret that men want to be able to practice some of the acts they have seen in adult movies. What intrigues and awes a lot of men is the fact that male porn stars seem to have instant penile erections and the energy to last longer than the average man. This brings us to the question that most men ask:

How do these male porn stars last so long in sex? Tarry a little bit, and the answers will be revealed.

To be realistic, there are a lot of obstacles male porn stars have to overcome before they can perform, as well as during their performance.

Getting an Erection Under the Watchful Eyes of the Filming Crew

Let’s give credit to these actors. It is not easy to get a penile erection when you have a bunch of people watching. I am talking about the set here. The whole filming crew is watching, and you have to produce a strong erection. Common now! Not every man is capable of doing that under normal conditions. I can say that about 70% of men will not be able to achieve that, and yet, these male porn stars are able to achieve that. Hats off!

Engaging in sexual activities with multiple women at the same time

It is amazing to watch male adult film actors engage in sexual activities with multiple women at the same time. How on earth are they able to produce and sustain penile erections that last long enough to go around each woman? Where do they get their sexual stamina from? What is the secret? These are genuine questions that deserve genuine answers.

There are quite a few tricks that are being implemented while filming acts in the adult film industry. I am going to elaborate more on each topic.

Use of Condoms with Local Anesthesia on the Tip

As shocking as this revelation might be, it comes as no surprise to me. What these do is that the anesthetic numbs out the tip of the penis, thereby reducing its sensitivity to stimulation. In this way, a man can go on having sex for a longer period of time without ejaculating. I was made to understand that these types of condoms are also available where regular condoms are being sold. That means in your local pharmacy. There you go. If you are a fan of this method of lasting longer, like a pornstar, here is your chance to become one. Just go to your local pharmacy and ask for condoms with anesthesia on the tip.

Stop-Start Sessions

Maybe this is not the correct term to use. What generally happens is that there are times when the male actor suddenly experiences a limp erection. The whole scene will be stopped, and standby members of the crew will start to work on the man to bring back his erection again, and then the filming continues. What you see as a long-term erection is a sequence of shorter encounters, but the editorial makes it look like it was filmed in one go.

Thinking of Something Else But The Sex

I don’t know how they can pull this off. I read this in an article, and I became alert. There is some rationale in that, because if you are not thinking of the sex or the woman you are intimate with, there are chances that you will not release her in time. The question still remains: How many men can achieve this? I sure can’t. Again, I think this feat requires powerful mental strength.

Use of Erection Enhancement Supplements

There are proven supplements that can increase a man’s sexual performance, but unfortunately, as with everything else, there have been serious abuses of supplements that can help a man produce and sustain erections for a longer period of time. There is this guy whose career was on the rise but messed it all up when he decided it was smart to overuse the supplements. I mean, this guy was into Viagra, Cialis, and a bunch of sexual enhancement products, but he eventually went too far, and it cost him the job he was willing to risk anything for.

Use of Lubricants

I love this and think this is an amazing way. Both partners in a sexual encounter on a porn set use a lot of lubricants. There are lubes for men and women. They reduce the friction between the penis and the vagina and thus enable better enjoyment and satisfaction for both parties. I personally think this is a good one.


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